Cool Sites About Advanced Manufacturing
Check out some of these cool sites and find out what some others are doing with manufacturing technologies, specially trained employees, and state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment. After all, who says manufacturing isn't fun?

360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence
360° is building a pipeline of talented individuals for the advanced manufacturing industry by promoting the industry and providing accurate and enticing career information to individuals at all levels from middle school age to adult workers. 360° has developed the 360° Seamless Career Pathway for manufacturing careers which shows individuals that manufacturing offers a career with no dead ends.
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7 Incredible Facts About a Career in Welding
Ever consider a career in welding? Did you know welders have the opportunity to travel the world, work in exotic places, and make as much money as a doctor while helping the world go green! Check out the facts about a career in welding.
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AMC2: Advanced Manufacturing Career Collaborative
The Advanced Manufacturing Career Collaborative (AMC2) website is designed to help you explore career options available to residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania within the manufacturing industry.
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Career ME: Your Career in Advanced Manufacturing
Learn more about what an advanced manufacturing career is, how to prepare for it, manufacturing facts and about the people and the companies involved in manufacturing.
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Careers in Welding
This American Welding Society and National Center for Welding Education & Training (Weld-Ed) web portal provides avenues for educators, welding professionals and students to explore! "No way!" That's what you'll say when you hear about the amazing variety of welding jobs that are out there and how much they pay. Do you like the idea of working outdoors? Traveling? Getting new skills and moving up in the world? There's a welding job for you. Check out the opportunities on this interactive site!
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Dream It Do It
This site provides a wealth of information for parents, educators, and employers, partners & sponsors. Watch videos, learn about upcoming events or use the Career Toolkit to take the dream career quiz, apply for jobs, or just learn more about what is out there on this interactive site!
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I Make America
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and Mike Rowe, creator and host of Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs," joined forces for the launch of I Make America, a national grassroots campaign to promote U.S. manufacturing jobs through infrastructure investment and passage of export agreements. Infrastructure investment and export agreements are proven ways to create and sustain jobs for U.S. workers.d
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Manufacturing is Cool - Be Original Thinkers!
The SME Education Foundation seeks to introduce curious and creative young people to the world of modern manufacturing and the high-paying careers it offers. This expanded and enhanced site uses popular culture for entertainment value and the respected resources of some very smart people to deliver its message. Check out how engineers figured out how to make a frozen pizza that would turn out perfect for you at home every time!
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Max and Ben's Manufacturing Adventures
What do two 13 year olds know about manufacturing? Not much until we went on the road with Max and Ben's Manufacturing Adventures. We found out that "making stuff" can be pretty sweet. We did some welding and metal cutting, and "test drove" motorcycles and a motorized wheelchair. We talked to A LOT of people who work in manufacturing, and learned that there are some pretty awesome people doing some very cool stuff.
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Mike Rowe Works
Get educated and updated on what's going on with our country's infrastructure, trades and other relevant issues important to Mike Rowe Works. You can also get equipped for the job with the latest tools and resources for education and financial aid. Find Tradesmen willing to share their experience and knowledge!
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The Nano-Link Regional Center began in the fall of 2008 and is a collaboration involving 6 colleges across the upper midwest. Our goal is to promote nanotechnology education at multiple grade levels by providing comprehensive resources for students and educators. These resources are supported by hands on educator workshops and classes. We work with various industry partners to ensure our curricula help students gain skills, knowledge and abilities required to support the economic growth of companies involved in nanotechnology. We also support informal education by providing demonstrations and exhibits to civic organizations, high schools and museums.
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National Association of Manufacturers
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) is the nation's largest industrial trade association representing small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing employs nearly 12 million workers, contributes more than $1.6 trillion to the U.S. economy annually, is the largest driver of economic growth in the nation and accounts for the lion's share of private sector research and development. This site provides employment information, facts about manufacturing, manufacturing news and much more!
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Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs
This site offers sections for parents, students and more. The Student Center, is your link to building a career in metal forming and fabricating. Learn about available scholarships, find salary information for different careers in metal forming, and even find manufacturing camps and schools to prepare for your career.
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Try Engineering
Discover the engineer in you on this website. Sometimes the best way to understand what engineers do is to try your hand at it! This site provides links to several engineering games on the internet to give you a first-hand try at the problem solving skills engineers employ every day!
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Wisconsin Career Pathways
Explore career clusters and pathways and discover opportunities for seamless education. This site focuses on high skill, high demand, and high wage careers. You can build a program of study on the website by contacting your local technical college's Tech Prep Coordinator to obtain a user name and password. Contact information is available on the website.
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Wisconsin Project Lead the Way
Welcome Students, Parents, Teachers, Counselors, Administrators and Others! Here you will find information and resources to guide you through the Wisconsin Project Lead The Way program. See the opportunities PLTW delivers to a growing number of young men and women exploring the Engineering and Biomedical Sciences classes that lead to exciting new careers. A pathway to the future!
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Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship
Obtain guidance on Wisconsin's Youth Apprenticeship program which is a part of a statewide School-to-Work initiative. It is designed for high school students who want hands on learning in an occupational area at a worksite along with classroom instruction. This one or two year elective program combines academic and technical instruction with mentored on-the-job learning.
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Wisconsin Youth Options
Learn about Wisconsin's youth options program which allows public high school juniors and seniors who meet certain requirements to take postsecondary courses at a UW institution, a Wisconsin technical college, one of the state's participating private nonprofit institutions of higher education, or tribally-controlled colleges. Approved courses count toward high school graduation and college credit. The program opens the door to greater learning opportunities for motivated students considering a technical career, wishing to begin college early, or preparing themselves to enter the workforce immediately after high school graduation.
Visit website Wisconsin's Source for all things STEM
Wisconsin's industry continues to experience competition on a global scale due in large part to an expanding technological world. Increasing Wisconsin's STEM leadership is essential to maintaining our workforce competitiveness and spurring economic growth. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. When integrated, the STEM disciplines provide a unique way of promoting critical thinking, innovation and creativity which are all key 21st Century skills.
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